BNI Managing Director Roycke Tumilaar Allegedly Involved in Credit Scandal Has Potential to Lose IDR 1.5 Trillion to the State


PEKANBARU – Main Director of BNI, Roycke Tumilaar, is suspected of being involved in a criminal act of corruption, manipulation of credit by Sunprima Nusantara Financing (SNP) Finance when he served as Managing Director of Treasure, Financial Institutions & Special Asset Management at Bank Mandiri around 2015. The state is estimated to have the potential to lose up to Rp 1.5 trillion.

“CERI has sent an official confirmation and request for information on March 9, 2023 afternoon to Mr. Roycke Tumilaar and Bank Mandiri Corporate Secretary Rudi As Tataridha. However, until we publish this press release, there has been no official statement. On Thursday evening, Roycke contacted CERI. But after being contacted again, there has been no response,” said Secretary of CERI, Hengki Seprihadi, Thursday (9/3/2024) afternoon in Pekanbaru.

The alleged Corruption was also previously reported by the Central Board of the Indonesian Law Enforcement Monitoring Institute (MPHI) to the KPK. The report was made on January 26, 2023.

Hengki explained, it was suspected that there had been criminal acts of corruption, corporations, granting fictitious loans and engineering bookkeeping of financial reports to PT. Columbia by Bank Mandiri.

Berita Terkait :   Dirut BNI Roycke Tumilaar Diduga Terlibat Skandal Kredit Berpotensi Rugikan Negara Rp 1,5 Triliun

“Analysts allegedly did not cross-check trade data so that the validity of the Sunprima Nusantara Financing Finance (SNP) credit application data was manipulated, resulting in a state loss of IDR 1.5 trillion,” said Hengki.

“Credit analysts at that time also allegedly did not cross check trade data with PT. Columbia to view credit application data for Sun Prima Nusantara Financing, where Sun Prima Nusantara Financing Finance (multi finance) is part of Columbia’s business as a supporter for purchasing goods with sources of funding from banks and debt securities and is a retail store that provides purchases of household goods on credit or installments,” he said.

Along with the decline in the Columbia shop business, continued Hengki, the bank credit experienced problems and became NPL. One of the actions taken by SNP Finance to overcome these non-performing loans is through the issuance of MTN (Medium Term Notes) or interest defaults which Pefindo ranks as a rating agency based on financial statements audited by KAP Deloitte. Issuance of MTN does not go through a process at the OJK. MTN is an agreement that is private but requires a rating because it can be traded.

Berita Terkait :   Dirut BNI Roycke Tumilaar Diduga Terlibat Skandal Kredit Berpotensi Rugikan Negara Rp 1,5 Triliun

“When a problem occurs, SNP Finance submits a postponement of PKPU’s debt payment obligations against its obligations. While the securities rating of SNP Finance for the period December 2015 – 201 idA/stable. In 2018 the ranking dropped again to idSD (Selective Default),” said Hengki again:

According to Hengki, PT SNP is also suspected of having committed falsification of documents, embezzlement, fraud and money laundering by adding, duplicating and using fictitious accounts receivable lists.

“Two public accountants who audited PT Sunprima Nusantara Pemfundan’s financial statements, namely Public Accountants Marlinna and Merlyana Syamsul, were suspected of violating Professional Audit standards,” said Hengki.

It is known that analysts also continued to submit NAK proposals on April 20 2015 to provide working capital loans of Rp. 400 billion by issuing collectibility Sunprima Nusantara Financing as if they were smooth even though they were unable to pay principal and interest.

Apart from that, explained Hengki again, the Business Unit manipulated the current collectibility financial reports of Sunprima Nusantara Financing.

Berita Terkait :   Dirut BNI Roycke Tumilaar Diduga Terlibat Skandal Kredit Berpotensi Rugikan Negara Rp 1,5 Triliun

“On April 17, 2015 the second Credit Committee, on the recommendation of the first credit committee, approved the provision of the Working Capital Credit facility of IDR 400 billion. Then VP Commercial Banking Jakarta Tamrin issued SPPK KMK on June 8 2015 in the amount of IDR 400 billion. Then Bank Mandiri conspired with Sunprima Nusantara Pemfundan Finance to buy time to resolve the ability to pay problem that had occurred with the intention of having another party assist with funding,” said Hengki.

“The reason for the restructuring in September 2016 was because there were differences in CAPS and BDS data even though since April 2015 Sunprima was unable to carry out its obligations so that the results of the restructuring in December 2016 Sunprima did not pay KMK installments to bank Mandiri, but transferred IDR 963.68 billion to the company’s account. Affiliation of Mr. Leo Chandra, PT MDS. The official who made the decision at that time was Mr. Roycke Tumilaar,” said Hengki. (rls)

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